Creates a new Javac Compiler addon instance.
Creates a new Javac Compiler addon instance. All parameters can be omitted and set later.
The source files can be given via multiple parameters, sources, srcDir and srcDirs, and will be joined.
The classpath which contains the compiler and its dependencies. If not given, the environment variable JAVA_HOME
will be checked, and if it points to a installed JDK, this one will be used.
The classpath used to load dependencies of the sources.
Source files to be compiled.
A directory containing Java source files.
Multiple directories containing Java source files.
The directory, where the compiled class files will be stored. If the directory does not exists, it will be created.
The encoding of the source files.
Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used.
Output messages about what the compiler is doing.
Provide source compatibility with specified release.
Generate class files for the specified VM version.
If specified generate debugging info. Supported values: none, lines, vars, source, all.
Run the compile in a separate process (if true
Additional arguments directly passed to the Java compiler. Refer to the javac manual or inspect javac -help
Additional arguments directly passed to the Java compiler.
Additional arguments directly passed to the Java compiler. Refer to the javac manual or inspect javac -help
The classpath used to load dependencies of the sources.
The classpath which contains the compiler and its dependencies.
The classpath which contains the compiler and its dependencies. If not given, the environment variable JAVA_HOME
will be checked, and if it points to a installed JDK, this one will be used.
If specified generate debugging info.
If specified generate debugging info. Supported values: none, lines, vars, source, all.
Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used.
The directory, where the compiled class files will be stored.
The directory, where the compiled class files will be stored. If the directory does not exists, it will be created.
The encoding of the source files.
Execute the Java compiler.
Run the compile in a separate process (if true
Provide source compatibility with specified release.
Source files to be compiled.
A directory containing Java source files.
Multiple directories containing Java source files.
Generate class files for the specified VM version.
Output messages about what the compiler is doing.
(javac: StringAdd).self
(javac: StringFormat).self
(javac: ArrowAssoc[Javac]).x
(Since version 2.10.0) Use leftOfArrow
(javac: Ensuring[Javac]).x
(Since version 2.10.0) Use resultOfEnsuring
Java Compiler addon.
The compiler can be configured via constructor parameter or
s. To actually start the compilation use Javac#execute.To easily configure and execute the compiler in one go, see Javac$#apply.