Copies an InputStream into an OutputStream.
Copies an InputStream into an OutputStream. Does not close the streams.
Starts a new thread which copies an InputStream into an Output stream.
Starts a new thread which copies an InputStream into an Output stream. Does not close the streams.
Converts a Seq of files into a string containing the absolute file paths concatenated with the platform specific path separator (":" on Unix, ";" on Windows).
Run a command.
Run a command.
The command and its arguments.
If true
, the input stream is routed to the newly started process, to read user input.
If true
, the error output stream of the started process is routed to its output stream.
The working directory of the started process. Relative paths are relative to the project directory.
If true
the method will throw an RuntimeException if the return code is not 0
The return value of the Java process. Typically 0 indicated success whereas any other value is treated as error.
Run the system default JVM with the given classpath and arguments.
Run the system default JVM with the given classpath and arguments.
The classpath used by the JVM.
The arguments to the JVM. The first parameter should be the Java class containing a main
If true
, the input stream is routed to the newly started process, to read user input.
If true
, the error output stream of the started process is routed to its output stream.
If true
the method will throw an RuntimeException if the return code is not 0
The return value of the Java process. Typically 0 indicated success whereas any other value is treated as error.
Concatetes the input string into a single white space separated string.
Concatetes the input string into a single white space separated string. Any whitespace in the input strings will be masked with a backslash ("\").
Copies an InputStream into an OutputStream.
Copies an InputStream into an OutputStream. Does not close the streams.
(Since version Only for binary backward compatibility. Don't use.
Starts a new thread which copies an InputStream into an Output stream.
Starts a new thread which copies an InputStream into an Output stream. Does not close the streams.
(Since version Use asyncCopy instead
(Since version Only for binary backward compatibility. Don't use.
(Since version Only for binary backward compatibility. Don't use.
(Since version Only for binary backward compatibility. Don't use.
(Since version Only for binary backward compatibility. Don't use.
Provided various support functions for forking of processes.